
Discover all the activites

We have prepared a diverse and complete program for T3chFest 2024, with talks of general interest and also more technical talks, inspiring and deep. This is what you will find in the four tracks during Thursday 14 and Friday 15 of March!

You can get a ticket here from January 16. We have a ticket per day and we will release them in different batches. To avoid no-show in the event, they have a symbolic price that we will fully donate to solidarity initiatives. You have all the information in the previous link.

Sigue todas las charlas en directo en nuestro canal de YouTube.

Spanish Sign Language interpretation The talks in track 1 will have Spanish Sign Language interpretation.

Subtitles All the talks will have real-time subtitles.

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4


*TBA: To Be Announced. This talk will be announced soon.