Sábado 25
09:30h - 11:10h
Track 1

End-to-end machine learning with Tensorflow Extended (TFX)

Tensorflow Extended (TFX) is a Python framework for developing MLOps pipelines. In this workshop we will grab some public data and some pre-made model (e.g. using HuggingFace) and will develop a MLOps pipeline, including data import, data quality validation, feature engineering, training, model validation and model deployment. For this workshop, you will need to have Python 3.9 (or 3.8 or 3.7, but not <=3.6 or >=3.10) and your preferred Python development environment. To follow this workshop, you need to be able to write Python code. You don't need to have previous knowledge of machine learning or MLOps, but having some background in machine learning (e.g. you have at least created and trained a neural network with Tensorflow or Keras) will be useful.

Aforo para 30 personas. For this workshop, you will need to have Python 3.9 (or 3.8 or 3.7, but not <=3.6 or >=3.10) and your preferred Python development environment (PyCharm, VS Code, etc). To follow this workshop, you need to be able to write Python code. You don't need to have previous knowledge of machine learning or MLOps, but having some background in machine learning (e.g. you have at least created and trained a neural network with Tensorflow or Keras) will be useful.

Israel Herraiz

Strategic Cloud Engineer at Google Cloud


Paul Balm

Strategic Cloud Engineer at Google Cloud


Data Science / Data Engineering