
Apache Beam: procesando datos como churros

José Manuel Navarro, Luis Villazón

Apache Beam es un framework de procesamiento masivo de datos que se está convirtiendo en el sucesor de Apache Hadoop y Spark. Permite ejecutar transformaciones de datos a escala, de forma paralela y tanto en la nube con Google Dataflow como en infraestructura propia. En este taller aprenderemos lo básico para ejecutar una cadena de transformaciones sencilla, viendo cómo se puede escalar el procesamiento para soportar zillones de registros, tanto en batch como en streaming.

Medio Español Cloud Computing Big Data / Data Science

Sobre los ponentes

José Manuel Navarro

CTO - urbanData Analytics

JM is the CTO at urbanDataAnalytics, where he leads the team to create technology & data that allows people to make better decisions on their home purchase or rent. Prior that, he was the responsible for API & Mobile products branch at Liferay. In his spare time he teaches in the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, helps in local non-profits and takes care of his two lovely kids.

Luis Villazón

Lead Data Engineer - urbanDataAnalytics

Luis is Lead Data Engineer at urbanDataAnalytics, creating big data processing architectures in the cloud. He worked at CERN as software developer in distributed systems, creating a system of hybrid clouds to run distributed jobs. After that, he worked at BBVA as cloud data engineer. He earned his degree in computer science from the Universidad de Oviedo, a Master in distributed systems from the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. He's currently working on his Phd about hybrid cloud data processes.