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Criptografía y autenticación con dispositivos BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces)

Alfonso Muñoz Muñoz (i4s-BBVA)

La criptografía es un elemento crítico en nuestro mundo interconectado. Desde la confidencialidad e integridad de los datos hasta sistemas de autenticación y autorización variados. Su presencia es esencial en temas de actualidad como el cloud computing o el big data. Por desgracia, esta ciencia no siempre es bien comprendida y sus limitaciones y retos futuros son cuantiosos en su utilización en la transformación digital de cualquier compañía. Conceptos como la criptografía post-cuántica, el cifrado homomórfico o la computación cuántica están cada vez más presentes en ese futuro incierto. En esta ponencia haremos un recorrido crítico por esta ciencia, introduciendo adicionalmente un nuevo tema de investigación basado en la autenticación de sistemas con ondas cerebrales.


Jueves 09/02/2017

10:15 - 11:00

Track 3

Sobre el ponente

Alfonso Muñoz Muñoz (i4s-BBVA)

Senior Cybersecurity Expert & Research Lead

PhD in Telecommunications Engineering by Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and postdoc researcher in network security by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M).

He has been a senior security researcher for more than 10 years and has published more than 60 academic publications (IEEE, ACM, JCR, hacking conferences…), books and computer security tools. He has also worked in advanced projects with European Organisms, public bodies and multinational companies (global 500). For over a decade, he has been involved in security architecture design, penetration tests, forensic analysis, mobile and wireless environments, and information security research (leading technical and scientific teams).

Alfonso frequently takes part as a speaker in hacking conferences (STIC CCN-CERT, DeepSec, HackInTheBox, Virus Bulletin, RootedCon, 8.8, No cON Name, GSICKMinds, Cybercamp, Secadmin...) and commercial and academic security conferences (+60 talks). He is certified by CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), CEHv8 (Certified Ethical Hacker), CHFIv8 (Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator) and CES (Certified Encryption Specialist). Several academic and professional awards. Professor in several Universities.

He is co-editor of the Spanish Thematic Network of Information Security and Cryptography (CRIPTORED), where he develops and coordinates several projects about cybersecurity and advanced training, with great impact in Spain and Latam.

Specialities (strong knowledge): Pentesting & network security, Digital Surveillance & Forensic technology, Cryptography, Steganography, NLP and Machine Learning